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Beetroot Salad

This lovely Greek salad uses the whole of the bunch including the stems and leaves. If your beets didn't come in a bunch the roots on their own are still delicious!

Serves 4 as a side salad or meze

1 bunch beetroot with stalks and leaves (or around 4 medium loose beetroot)

Extra virgin olive oil

1 lemon

Sea salt

Fresh chopped parsley


Cut the stalks and leaves away from the beetroot taking care not to pierce the skin of the beet. Wash the beetroot but do not peel or cut the skin.

Place in a pan of boiling water and simmer for 30-45 minutes depending on size (after 30 mins test the beets with the point of a knife). When cooked drain and allow to cool.

Meanwhile wash the leaves and stalks well discarding and old leaves. Steam the stalks and leaves over the simmering beets until soft (around 5 minutes). Drain and allow to cool.

When cool enough to handle peel the beetroot, cut into wedges and arrange on a serving plate with the stalks and leaves if using.

Drizzle over olive oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice to taste. Sprinkle with sea salt and freshly chopped parsley.

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